Cookie Policy

To provide a personalized experience, the Biggeorge Alapítvány az esélyekért places small data packs (called 'cookies') on the computers and mobile devices of the visitors of (later referred to as Site). Cookies aim to help the Site reach as high of a performance as possible, provide personalized services, and elevate the user experience.

The Site's visitors can delete cookies from their computer and instruct their browsers to block them. To learn more on this topic, please visit By blocking cookies, visitors agree that sites are incomplete without them.

The Biggeorge Foundation for Chance doesn't use information stored in cookies to identify the Site's visitors.

The following cookies are in use on the Site:

  • Session Cookie (SESSIONID): It aims to support functions related to the Site's user sessions.
  • Google Analytics Cookies (starting with '_ga'): They aim to provide anonymous, aggregated information on the Site's visitors.
  • Biggeorge Alapítvány az esélyekért tracks the Site's visitors' visits to specific other sites to provide them later with targeted marketing messages.

This website uses cookies to personalize content and ads, provide community functions, and analyze traffic. Furthermore, we share data on our Site's usage with our social media, advertising, and analytics partners, who can combine this knowledge with other data collected from you on other services with your consent.

Cookies are small text files that a website can use to further the efficiency of the user experience. By law, we can only store cookies on your device if our Site requires them to function. We need your consent for every other kind of cookie. This Site uses a number of different cookies. Some are placed here by our third-party service providers.

You have the right to modify or withdraw your consent to the Cookie Policy.

Check out our Privacy Policy to learn more about us, our contact information, and how we handle private data.

Please let us know your consent identification and the date when you contact us about your consent.