
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom

Through our collaboration with the Bridge Budapest Association's Edisonplatform program, we support the professional operations and sustainability efforts of innovative organizations working with children.

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Egyensúlyunkért Foundation

We provide support for the professional development and service improvement of this organization focusing on mental health patients’ rehabilitation, social reintegration, and mental health preservation.

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Kékvonal Child Crisis Foundation

We contribute to the long-term sustainability and increased awareness of Kékvonal’s hotline services, thus helping even more young people receive genuine attention, acceptance, and support for change, as well as assistance in their times of trouble.

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Kiútprogram Association

By supporting their mentoring activities, we help the Kiútprogram Association create jobs in one of the country’s poorest regions.

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Liget Műhely Foundation

Our support helps maintain the intellectual workshop of the Liget Műhely Foundation, publish journals and e-books, and operate the Szitakötő educational program, all giving special attention to disadvantaged children, novice creators, and schools beyond the border.

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Szépírók Társasága

Through our support, we contribute to the operation and the realization of programs of Szépírók Társasága, the largest independent literary organization in the country.

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UNICEF Hungary

Through our collaboration, we support four of UNICEF Hungary's programs, focusing on the mental health of children, youth, and the adults surrounding them.

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Utcáról lakásba Association

Through our collaboration, we support the work of the Association in providing homes for the homeless. Our support contributes to apartment renovations and provides comprehensive assistance to new tenants.

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Kerekasztal Theatre Education Center

„Our mission is to create theater performances that raise social and moral questions in interactive ways. Young people are active participants in our theater events.”


„We work to raise awareness about the importance of children's digital safety, to educate about the risks of current photo-sharing habits and the regulatory requirements related to it, and to offer solutions for digital communication and content-sharing methods that are currently concerning in terms of safety. ”

KIKAPCS. Foundation

„Our mission is to provide lifelong experiences and a loving, supportive community for families raising children with special educational needs.”

MáSzínház Theatre

„We play and grow together with both intellectually disabled and typically developing children, and with adults, as partners to each other.”

Palladion Műhely — Kheirón Klub

„Through the playful, developmental program of Kheirón Klub, we introduce children to the world of classical antiquity and the common roots of European culture in an entertaining way.”


„Using as many recycled parts as possible from equipment unsuitable for further use by others, together we create smart gardens, microprocessor-controlled "smart" devices, water purifiers, industrial equipment, ion thrusters, antigravity experiments, or even robots, allowing participants to learn about the latest knowledge in engineering.”

Televele Media Education Workshop Association

„We offer media education programs for preschool and elementary school children, as well as for their parents. We develop and organize teacher training programs aimed at developing media literacy.”

Világszép Foundation

„We hold therapeutic, trauma-conscious experience- and art-pedagogical programs for young people living in child protection care with the help of experts with extensive experience in the field.”

Every little help counts!

Our goal is to provide more and more children and young people with a chance. Our Foundation is open to any natural and legal person of domestic or foreign origin who supports our efforts and wishes to see them come to fruition.

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