
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom

Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom

The Edisonplatform program is an initiative of the Bridge Budapest Association. Through their programs, they provide parents with guidance for the challenges of the 21st century, while at same time annually collect those organizations and initiatives nationwide that focus on and reinforce the essential future knowledge of children aged 3 through 14. Our collaboration specifically promotes the sustainable operation of these innovative organizations. Every year, 8 highlighted organizations receive financial support, contributing to embedding the crucial skills and competencies of the future into today's thinking in Hungary.

Through the collaboration of Biggeorge Foundation for Chance and the Bridge Budapest Association's Edisonplatform program, we support the professional operations and sustainability efforts of innovative organizations working with children. The supported organizations are selected and awarded by a professional body. The recognition includes operational support provided by the Biggeorge Foundation for the 8 category winners.

Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
Bridge Budapest - Edisonplatfrom
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Every little help counts!

Our goal is to provide more and more children and young people with a chance. Our Foundation is open to any natural and legal person of domestic or foreign origin who supports our efforts and wishes to see them come to fruition.

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