
Kiútprogram Association

Kiútprogram Association

The Kiútprogram Association creates job opportunities for Hungary's poorest people at a fraction of the cost of the state’s job creation investments. It helps the poorest residents of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and Borsod counties break out of deep poverty through their own efforts and work. They provide collateral and interest-free microloans to agricultural smallholders (typically "cucumber growers") so they can begin production. With their help, unemployed people and public workers can potentially double their annual income.

For those who would want to start a business but live in deep poverty or are at risk of falling below the poverty line due to deteriorating economic conditions, Kiútprogram helps turn their ideas into business plans and then provides low-interest, collateral-free business loans through its financial partner. The key to the success of these activities lies in the long-term personal mentoring of clients. Support from the Biggeorge Foundation covers the annual expenses of two fieldwork employees.

Kiútprogram sustains itself solely through private donations, with Biggeorge Foundation being one of its most prominent supporters.

Kiútprogram Association
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