
Utcáról lakásba Association

Utcáról lakásba Association

Over the past year, the Biggeorge Foundation has supported the core activities of our Association. They contributed to the renovation and pest control of two municipal apartments, thus providing safe homes for two families.

Our Association consistently provides intensive social support to families even after they move in, as the primary goal at that point is to maintain their place there. The Foundation also supported the salary of the social worker working with these two families, who regularly conducted mental health conversations and helped the families acquire the skills necessary for the long-term maintenance of their own homes. The Biggeorge Foundation also supported the maintenance of apartments that were already occupied, and also the salary of a technical staff member. This helped improve the technical conditions of these apartments renovated years ago, which proved to be a significant help to the families living there.

Utcáról lakásba Association
Utcáról lakásba Association
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Our goal is to provide more and more children and young people with a chance. Our Foundation is open to any natural and legal person of domestic or foreign origin who supports our efforts and wishes to see them come to fruition.

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