
Kata Kühne

Kata Kühne

Board Member

Franchise expert and the Executive Director of Otthon Centrum since 2003.

The main part of my job is the development of the real estate industry and enterprises through the franchise system. I wholeheartedly and relentlessly support and stand for franchises being great ventures for women as owners and leaders.

I was born to help with a fiery passion. Working in the business world means that I get first-hand experience of how even small decisions can shape our future. Our choices and the choices of our loved ones can seemingly determine our options. But sometimes all it takes is a meeting, a great question, or a watchful eye to open up our world and rewrite these options. Through the years, I could see with my own eyes just how much attention and support at the right time can mean. Our Foundation gives people another chance to get their wings back and fly their way.

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Every little help counts!

Our goal is to provide more and more children and young people with a chance. Our Foundation is open to any natural and legal person of domestic or foreign origin who supports our efforts and wishes to see them come to fruition.

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