
Tibor Nagygyörgy

Tibor Nagygyörgy

Economist, real estate expert, founder of the Biggeorge brand, and owner of the Biggeorge Group.

I’ve realized from a very young age that the act of giving and helping those in need is a great, heartwarming sensation. The minute I reached the required level of success in my business to be able to do so, I started lending a helping hand to those less fortunate than I am.

A few years later, I realized that I could do more. That helping with a purpose means much more. I decided that by the time I’d become 50, I’d establish a system that would go beyond ad hoc yearly donations through a foundation backed by a sizable capital to support associations and foundations that could help underprivileged people and groups on a bigger scale and with more preparedness.

Two people close to my heart played major roles in founding this organization.

One of them is a good friend I always admired because he uses his wealth to help causes he believes in. The other is a significant person from my childhood who sent me a symbolic anniversary greeting that reassured a notion that helping those held back from fulfilling their dreams by their circumstances is not an option but a duty for me.

For the board of the Biggeorge Foundation for Chance, I chose exceptional and determined people I was sure could use the monetary resources efficiently and valuably. I strongly believe that with their help, we can effectively support great causes.

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Every little help counts!

Our goal is to provide more and more children and young people with a chance. Our Foundation is open to any natural and legal person of domestic or foreign origin who supports our efforts and wishes to see them come to fruition.

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Give Them a Chance!
